Attraction sites

Musmar pottery
The history of the Musmar Pottery Factory started more than 100 years ago.
Mount of Precipitation
Mount of Precipitation, also known as Mount Precipice or Mount Kedumim, is located just outside the southern edge of Nazareth, 2 km southwest of the modern city centre.
Nazareth Village
Set on the outskirts of old Nazareth, Nazareth Village is built on ancient agricultural land that boasts the area’s last remaining first-century wine press.
THE ANCIENT BATHHOUSE IN NAZARETH - In the heart of Nazareth, next to the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Gabriel and Mary’s Well, in the shadow of a huge Ficus tree lies a recently discovered historical treasure: an ancient bathhouse.
Khan al-basha
Khan al-Basha is a structure of historical importance. One of the most impressive khans in the country, it is currently undergoing rehabilitation and renovation.
Nazareth market
The Old Nazareth Market is one of the most fascinating markets in Israel, drawing its charm from the fact that it serves not only tourists but is also a living market, attracting trade from Nazarenes as well as people across the region.
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